Exhibition | Experimental Design
An exhibition of prints
A collaboration between the Oxford Printmakers Co-operative and the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics.
Sixteen WTCHG researchers were paired with sixteen OPC artists to produce sixteen different works based on their research. These pieces were exhibited at the Fusion Arts Centre, Cowley Road, Oxford, from 9th - 22nd November 2016.
They were exhibited again at the JR Hospital from the 21st of January - 3rd of March 2017.
Photos and Media
Photos from our exhibition preview
Making of a linocut
A short video by artist Maria Kuzma-Kuzniarska, showing how she produced the linocut for our "Experimental Designs" exhibition
Artist blog
Jonathan Moss, one of the Oxford Printmakers Co-Op artist, has set up a blog describing his work on the project.
That's Oxfordshire news coverage
Oxford Mail
"Art and Science Linked for Exhibition", 21st November 2016