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Research groups
Irina Stefana
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Having trained in metabolism, Drosophila genetics and cell biology, I joined the DIL as a Postdoctoral Research Scientist in April 2017. My role at the DIL has been to establish a pancreatic islet-focused research programme in order to investigate the mechanisms underlying beta cell failure in type 1 Diabetes and the extent to which intrinsic beta cell fragility contributes to the risk of developing type 1 Diabetes, classically known as an autoimmune disease. My main project currently focuses on the role of the microtubule-associated protein Tau, and its presumed pathological hyperphosphorylated variants (pTau), in beta cells.
Originally from Romania, I left home to enjoy the mulled wine and Christmas markets of northern Germany while studying Biology (with a focus on Cellular and Molecular Biology) at Jacobs University Bremen. I moved to London in 2009 to join Dr Alex Gould’s lab, then part of the MRC National Institute for Medical Research (which became the Francis Crick Institute), to work on a PhD project focused on lipid metabolism. There, I discovered the power and beauty of Drosophila as a model organism. I used fruit flies to establish a genetically-tractable model of the long-term effects of early-life undernutrition upon adult lipid metabolism and lifespan. I completed my PhD in October 2013 and, unwilling to leave the nest, continued in the lab as a postdoc investigating lifespan regulation by unsaturated cuticular hydrocarbons in Drosophila.
In December 2015, I joined the Goberdhan and Wilson labs in the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics at the University of Oxford as a CRUK-funded Postdoctoral Research Scientist where I spent 1.5 years training in cell biology and super-resolution microscopy. There, my main research project has combined super-resolution microscopy and Drosophila genetic tools to investigate the role of the nutrient-sensitive TOR signalling pathway in membrane trafficking, and the biogenesis and secretion of dense-cored vesicles.
Recent publications
Identification of high-performing antibodies for the reliable detection of Tau proteoforms by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry.
Ellis MJ. et al, (2024), Acta neuropathologica, 147
Non‐apoptotic caspase activation ensures the homeostasis of ovarian somatic stem cells
Galasso A. et al, (2023), EMBO reports, 24
Glutamine deprivation alters the origin and function of cancer cell exosomes.
Fan S-J. et al, (2020), EMBO J
Publisher Correction: Approaches and advances in the genetic causes of autoimmune disease and their implications
Inshaw JRJ. et al, (2019), Nature Immunology, 20, 375 - 375
Approaches and advances in the genetic causes of autoimmune disease and their implications
Inshaw JRJ. et al, (2018), Nature Immunology, 19, 674 - 684