Real-world assessment of the patient-centredness of endometriosis care: European countries benchmarked by patients.
Eaf D., L A., W S., M W., Kt Z., Cicco C D., V M., A S., D T., Tm D.
European patients cross the borders of their countries to receive more patient-centred healthcare. Benchmarking across European countries for the patient-centredness of endometriosis care had yet to be performed. This study proved the factorial structure and reliability of translation of the ENDOCARE questionnaire in nine different languages. Moreover, the benchmark potential of the ENDOCARE questionnaire was shown by the significant between-country variance for case-mix-adjusted overall and dimensional patient-centredness scores, explaining 3-9% of the total variance in patient-centredness assessed across 10 European countries. Compared with the least patient-centred country, endometriosis care was more patient-centred in Denmark, Italy and Belgium. 'Reaching a diagnosis quickly' and 'physicians demarcating the endometriosis complexity level which they can treat' were consistently rated of more-than-average importance and were experienced negatively by more than half of the European sample. National and European policymakers and specialized clinics are prompted to monitor their patient-centredness and set up improvement projects.