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Duplications in ADHD patients harbour neurobehavioural genes that are co‐expressed with genes associated with hyperactivity in the mouse

Journal article

Taylor A. et al, (2015), American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 168, 97 - 107

GeneNet Toolbox for MATLAB: a flexible platform for the analysis of gene connectivity in biological networks

Journal article

Taylor A. et al, (2015), Bioinformatics, 31, 442 - 444

The genomic landscape shaped by selection on transposable elements across 18 mouse strains

Journal article

Nellåker C. et al, (2012), Genome Biology, 13, R45 - R45

Mouse genomic variation and its effect on phenotypes and gene regulation

Journal article

Keane TM. et al, (2011), Nature, 477, 289 - 294

Sequence-based characterization of structural variation in the mouse genome

Journal article

Yalcin B. et al, (2011), Nature, 477, 326 - 329

Elusive Copy Number Variation in the Mouse Genome

Journal article

Agam A. et al, (2010), PLoS ONE, 5, e12839 - e12839