Image Analysis Software
The Core has a has several analysis and visualisation workstations including 3 ultra high-spec Titan workstations running the latest image analysis and processing software. These systems are bookable (see cost recovery page for pricing) and host the following:
- Arivis Vision 4D (2 licenses)
- BitPlane Imaris v 8.0
- PicoQuant ST Offline software for analysing FCS_FLIM
- Zeiss ZEN Blue
- Leica LAS-X
- ScanR
- Fiji/ImageJ
Please contact the Cellular Imaging Core for advice, training and further details. Our email address is
tITAN WorkstationS
Our 3 Titan workstations feature the following hardware:
Processors - 2 x parallel Intel Xenon Gold 6250 @3.90 GHz
RAM - 256 GB
Graphics card - 16 GB Nvidia Quadro 5000 rtx