Olympus BX-51/Genus FISH Imaging system
- Olympus BX-51 upright microscope for slides
- 10x (air) and 40x, 60x and 100x oil objectives
- JAI CVM4+ progressive-scan 24 fps B&W fluorescence CCD camera. This Jai camera replaced the old Sensys KAF1401 cooled CCD camera in October 2009
- Filter wheel containing a DAPI, FITC, TRITC Chroma 83000 triple-filter set, plus additional filters for Spectrum Aqua/DEAC, Spectrum Gold and Far red (Cy5)
- The latest Leica Cytovision Genus v7.1 molecular genetics software for brightfield, FISH, and M-FISH image capture with human/mouse/rat cell-line karyotyping
- The Olympus image calibration (μm/pixel) data for all the objectives can be downloaded here. For images captured before October 2009 using the old Sensys KAF1401 camera use the Sensys pdf. For images captured after that using the new Jai CVM4+ camera use the Jai pdf
This microscope is for the use of the Chromosome Dynamics and Cellular-Imaging Core staff, as part of their Core service provision.
The Leica Microsystems (Applied Imaging) CytoVision software for FISH/chromosome imaging and analysis has been upgraded to the latest version on our system. For general information about our CytoVision molecular cytogenetics FISH and M-FISH workstation system please see the CytoVision brochure, view our Molecular Cytogenetics webpage or visit the Leica website.
You can download the complete Genus v3.6 manual here. In addition there is the single A4 sheet Cytovision Genus 'Quick reference' guide. For general information about the FISH workstation microscope see the Olympus BX-51 brochure.
For our shorter in-house help guide about using Genus with our Olympus BX-51 microscope, follow this Genus Guide link. Hard copies of the Genus quick reference and in-house user guides are located by the microscope.